Sunday, November 7, 2021

What is Media?

Media is a way to give out information, Entertainment and Persuasion.

Things that count as media are going on a Chromebook, television, phone and more. Basically media counts as any electronics giving out information using YouTube and browser tab. On YouTube people make videos giving out information and on your browser tab you can search for information.

Entertainment is like watching fun videos of your choice (could be any) on YouTube, and on Netflix you can watch movies and also playing games.

Persuasion is like ads (advertisements) there are ads on lots of stuff like YouTube and billboards even on browser tab games! People make ads to make you buy their stuff.

Here is the media I consume:

If you wanna make your own use this Link.


  1. Hi Thomas,
    That looks very fun to do.This reminds me of the media I did while in lockdown. Good job!

  2. Hi Thomas. I love your word art showing your most liked Media. You have some detailed information about the topic. I like the way you have remembered to use paragraphs. I wonder what media works the most effectively to persuade?
