Thursday, November 25, 2021

Cybersmart challenge

Today we had to get or make a image of Auckland to persuade people to come to Auckland.

Here is my image:


 Today I made a collage. I made a collage about the things I like to do. Here is my collage:

I like to play games so I added a gaming logo and i also like playing Roblox.
I added milk because I like drinking it and I also added chicken nuggets because I like eating them.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Fake image?

 Today I did a cyber smart challenge with Phil.

We had to make a fake image.

This was my image:

If you want to know how to make that image then click this link
go to the 2nd to last slide and click the video. Phil will tell you the instructions on how to make it.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Making Connections

 Today I did this task where we were making connections.


 I am feeling great because I play with my sister.

Whats going well for me is that my sister is playing with me (they don't play with me that much).

Whats not going well for me is basically nothing.

This week i'm looking forward to play with my other friends.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

What is Media?

Media is a way to give out information, Entertainment and Persuasion.

Things that count as media are going on a Chromebook, television, phone and more. Basically media counts as any electronics giving out information using YouTube and browser tab. On YouTube people make videos giving out information and on your browser tab you can search for information.

Entertainment is like watching fun videos of your choice (could be any) on YouTube, and on Netflix you can watch movies and also playing games.

Persuasion is like ads (advertisements) there are ads on lots of stuff like YouTube and billboards even on browser tab games! People make ads to make you buy their stuff.

Here is the media I consume:

If you wanna make your own use this Link.